Typically Normies shudder when they hear the words "Garlic Tea", so I was just thinking about changing the name of it to "Space Monkey Tea". It's a better sell. Who doesn't love Space Monkeys?

This is an incredibly soothing hot drink and it's strangely delicious taboot. It's loaded with Immune Boosts of Vitamin C + the ancient magical healing properties of garlic that will simultaneously unclog/unstuff everything, and honey that soothes the shit out of your throat.
I always recommend using organic ingredients, and local is a plus if they're available. (Local honey is said to help with localized allergies).
GARLIC / SPACE MONKEY TEA (for colds/sore throat/sinusitis/allergy relief, etc.)
5-6 cloves garlic (medium/decent sized), peeled & sliced in half lengthwise
3 cups water
1/2 cup honey (i really like raw or creamed honey for this)
1/2 cup fresh squeezed (YES) lemon juice
1. put the halved (lengthwise) garlic cloves into the pot of 3 cups cold water and heat
at medium flame until it starts to boil. let it boil for like 30 seconds, then remove from heat.
2. add honey & lemon juice, and stir well.
3. let it sit for a couple of minutes, then stir & pour through strainer to get the cloves, pulp, seeds out
Pour it off into a mason jar and stick it in the fridge, stick it in the fridge, stick it in the fridge.
Shake it up before you reheat it (especially if you're using raw or creamed honey, cuz that sometimes settles out) and sip approximately 1/2 cup WARMED/hot, 3 times a day.
Enjoy & FEEL BETTER!! Now... back to work on the snoe.down review!

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