After waiting for what seemed like forever for this show AND taking an intense 2 week gig with very little (if any) sleep in the weeks leading up to it--- Mike Gordon almost became the only obstacle standing between me and snoe.down. It was a Hump Show, if you will. Despite that, I was still super psyched to see Mike and seriously needed this show to blow off some steam.
Work ran late, so I missed a hippie carpool. Instead, I jumped in the Quad Laser solo and fucking FLEW down to Brooklyn Bowl, getting there with about 20 minutes to spare (only cuz the band went on 45 minutes "late"). Totes Ninja. Phew! Stepping in the door was a HUGE sigh of relief. Getting the Strawberry Margarita was an additional sigh of relief. Ahh, Brooklyn Bowl... Where was the sound gonna work tonight?

Mike finally hit the stage and kicked off his 2-night stand with an awesomely solid first set. The band is still amazing. The energy in the room just built upon itself.
Bouncy Idea. A sweet as molasses The Walls of Time. Sugar Shack was solid and the floor was totally shaking. This is approximately aboot the time my buddy Stavros claims to have actually levitated. Cities was high energy and up-tempo ala the original Talking Heads version as opposed to the Phish cover. Great shit. The room was buzzing. Mellow Heavy Metal -> Spiritual Jam which featured Mike and Scott on groovy percussion and a horrible green laser robot that kept stabbing me in the corneas with burning. Funky Crumblin' Bones. My favorite bit of the night was by far Beck's Black Tambourine, which was a sweet sweet dark treat. Phatty Hap-Nappy closed off the set and the entire room was smiling.


By the time the show ended, there were maaaybe 40-50 people left on the floor. Tuesday night's a rough sell, I suppose. More people should have stuck around, cuz it was still an awesome vibe through the very end.
Mike signed my poster at the merch booth. Aww, Mike. *hearts*. Then I went home^ and worked til 6:30AM. Good times.
Mike's still my favorite Phish side-project. TEAM GORDO. 3/22/11, Brooklyn Bowl, NYC: 9 HUZZAHS^^!
And now, time to continue wrapping my head around whatever the fuck went down during snoe.down this past weekend. A very strange tale indeed.
Mike Gordon, Tuesday, 03/22/2011
Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY
Set 1: Idea, The Walls of Time, Sugar Shack, Cities, Can't Stand Still, Heavy Metal -> The Spiritual Jam, Crumblin' Bones, Black Tambourine, Hap-Nappy
Set 2: Horizon Line, The Void*, Cruel World, Got Away, Middle of the Road, Suskind Hotel -> La La La -> Suskind Hotel
Encore: Meat
* Dance contest.
Musicians: Mike Gordon, Scott Murawski, Craig Myers, Tom Cleary, Todd Isler (ALL OF THEM ARE AWESOME)
Thanks to phish.net for the setlists!
DOWNLOAD THE SHOW! My Lappy 300 is too old for Torrents, so you decide!

Mike Salvo's: http://bt.etree.org/details.php?id=543481
Scott Bernstein's: http://bt.etree.org/details.php?id=543624
^ (sans pothole collisions!)
^^ .5 points added for running into Stavros and not recognizing him with the total Wook Beard and fleece. WTF, dude?
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