Dos Heteros, 5/22/11, Mighty High Mountain Festival, Tuxedo Ridge, NY

FRIDAY, 5/20/11
Yah, so I skipped my Sister's Auf Ruf (which is just a fancy Jew name for a short prayer that's given a week before one's wedding) on this particular Friday night to go see Almost God Street Wine at Joe's Pub. She gets me all of Memorial Day Weekend with aforementioned wedding and Good Lord Cheesus knows that I'm missing my choice of 3 awesome Summer Music Happenings (Summer Camp, DelFest, & Phish's Bethel Jaunt) because of the timing. No, the weekend before belonged to God Street Wine. Or rather, Almost God Street Wine.
These Early Friday Joe's Pub sets are a rough commute to start with. Throw in a Subway Series and it's kind of a nightmare-- traffic suuuucked. I started on the mojitos the second I got there. Rum -> Almost Wine. Perfectly safe.
Lo Faber, Aaron Maxwell, Dan Pifer, and Jon Bevo. 4/5 of the equation = Almost God Street Wine. Or perhaps Das Quartinas? Hmm... No matter, the boys assumed positions and kicked off the show with a beautiful Home Again to get us all back in The Zone. It worked. Did I mention that song was beautiful? The whole fucking set was beautiful. The sound was perfect. The tone was sweet. The room was focused. Bevo had a set of keys sitting on top of the Baby Grand. So so good.

With such a short set, it was pretty much all highlights. Weird Dream was inspired. Supplemental GSW member, Jason Crosby, came out to play 6-string violin starting with a beautiful (that's #4) Silver and would stay in for the rest of the show. A hot Hellfire in honor of the impending Rapture. Light My Candles was freakin' awesome. Aaron just killed the end vocals on it-- wowza! Is this getting redundant? GoTT was really fun. Tide, glorious. Audience participation. HUGE fucking highlight: CHEAP UTAH BLUES. Super duper fun. Aaron shredding on Lo's Telecaster! Dan layed it down, Lo brought it, and Jason took it over the edge. Into the Sea ... just absolutely ... beautiful (#5). Positively wonderful to have The Highlander himself, Dan Pifer, bouncing around and harmonizing in the back. Bevo set the mood perfectly with the traditional electric approach. Awesome.

Lo got to pick the encore cuz it was his Birthday--- or because he writes the setlists. Hmm?? He chose Dire Strait's Romeo & Juliet, which was quite pretty, but wasn't New Eyes, 6:15, or Bring Back The News. Earlier in the set, the crowd serenaded him with a popular Birthday number that was most definitely NOT a copyrighted tune that costs a ton of money to license. No, nothing like that at all. He also refused to put the frilly Birthday Crown on-- probably because he didn't want to disrupt his stylin' new do. See, Gabe? I told you we should have gone with the tiara. Happy Birthday, Lo! :)
Goddamn, it was great to see the boys together like this again. Keeps us young, it does. Can't wait for the next one!!! Brand New Pussycat? Dan would rock that shit.

Sooo... When are we gonna get Tomo in on one of these things? Tomo, you bring the Egg-Shaker, I'll get you a Triangle.
Here are a few awesome videos of the show taken by Macky who was on the job all night... Check out his youtube channel for the rest of 'em!
Into the Sea
Additionally, you can watch/listen/stream the *ENTIRE* show, provided via Joe's Pub interwebs linkup! FUCKING AWWWWE-SOMMMME!
Watch live streaming video from joespub at livestream.com
Home Again
Please Don't Speak of These Things
Goodnight Gretchen->
Weird Dream
Light My Candles*
Driving West*
Definitely Not the Copyrighted Version of Happy Birthday to Lo
The Ballroom*
Get on the Train*
Waiting for the Tide*
Cheap Utah Blues*
She Comes Up Softly*
Into the Sea*
Romeo and Juliet*
*w/ Jason Crosby on 6-String Violin
Of course you can also DOWNLOAD THE SHOW! Thanks, Scott B.! http://www.archive.org/details/gsw2011-05-20.tlm170.flac16
SUNDAY, 5/22/11

Late Saturday night, my Festival Spidey-Sense began to tingle. It had been raining nonstop for about 2 weeks at that point. "Mud." I said out loud to no one in particular. This was quickly confirmed by my Mole in the Field, Rhonda Lieberman, who declared it "The Muddy High Festival". Yes, it would surely be a rubber boots kinda day.
Breakfast^ doesn't even get me up this early on a Sunday, but skiing and most anything GSW^^-related will. Steel thermos of coffee in hand, I arrived at Tuxedo Ridge (formerly Sterling Forest Ski Mountain, where my Middle School used to bus us up for night-skiing on Wednesdays) around 11:10AMish, in case the Dos Heteros set actually started at it's scheduled 11:30AM slot (which I didn't buy for a second). It was overcast, misty/precipitous, and with a massive amount of hay absorbing the bulk of it--- innocuously muddy. Though quite squishy up close to the stage.

At Noon, Lo & Aaron took the stage with the debut of Rain by the Beatles. Very cute. There was a sparse crowd, but more people were crawling out of the woodwork as the set moved along. Drive West, Tide. Molly was particularly awesome and afterwards some Wook in the back announced he had some in his pocket. Stranger was beautiful (#6). Hey Pocky (A)Way -> RU4 Real? was fun. Another sick Light My Candles with Aaron belting it out towards the end--- his voice actually cleared my sinuses. An Aaron Neti. He could market that. Gretchen got some screams from the crowd. Book of Rules was also cute. And Nightingale was... really fucking great. Love it!

Mad propz to the older couple who were dancing their asses off all set. Rhonda said they'd been at it all weekend.
More folks should be getting to these Dos Heteros gigs. They are a satisfyingly sweet fix. Good for the ol' GSW hankering. And sometimes you don't know how badly you missed it until it's right in front of your face. Doooo iiiiit!

Ahh, good shit. A later & longer Joe's slot next time around would be nice. And for fuck's sake can we finally organize an official afterparty for it? Let's make it happen.
Almost God Street Wine, 5/20/11, Joe's Pub, NYC & Lo Faber/Aaron Maxwell Acoustical Madness Duo, 5/22/11, Mighty High Mountain Festival, Tuxedo Ridge, NY-- A Weekend of Wine: 10 HUZZAHS!!!

Rain (Beatles)
Drive West
Hey Pocky Away ->
RU4 Real?
Don't Speak of These Things
Light My Candles
Book of Rules
There were some tapers, but I've yet to see a copy of the show up on the archive... I'll keep checking and if one appears, the link to DL will be HERE.
^ Bacon totally would, if I smelled it early enough.
^^ or moe.... or if i had to pee bad enough.
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