Leroy Justice, quick review!
Opening act: Some Horrible Dude! Like Brian Setzer's^ inbred cousin who huffs paint and has an acoustic guitar, so he thinks it's okay to be really loud. It was exactly like chewing on aluminum foil.
Leroy Justice: They started out pretty mellow-- a little too mellow, but halfway through the set they found their spot and proceeded to rock the fuck out. Way out! I'd like to hear them come out of the gates like that, cuz when they get their loudest, is when they get their sweetest. Good stuff!

The place was pretty full, except for the roughly 6-10 feet of HOT LAVA directly in front of the stage. No one ever likes to stand in the HOT LAVA, but sometimes you just gotta be willing to take one for the team. Here's to the brave souls who populate the HOT LAVA! *drinks tequila*

By far the most memorable moment of the night was when some Asshole Bartender gave me the look up/down and charged me $4 for a glass of seltzer. That Asshole Bartender is the reason I will never go back to the Canal Room.

Leroy Justice, 2/24/11, Canal Room: 6.5 HUZZAHS! If any of you boys kicked that bartender in the nutsack before you left^^, I will add 1, maaaybe even 2 HUZZAHS! Depends on the damage.
^ I love Brian Setzer dearly, btw.
^^ Or beat him down with a bat.
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