To quote my good friend (no, not one of McCain's many good "friends"*), John Hannon, "that's basically sickening..." and "I think we need a guillotine in Times Square". True, true.
Were these egomaniacs deluded enough to think they could get away with this??? Or did they know they were going to get caught? Did they want to get caught and were they trying to go down in a blaze of glory? With... a spa retreat? That's not very "blaze of glory". No, if you're gonna do it, be serious about it. The headline I want to read is, "AIG Executives Drop Acid, Get Naked, Throw Rager On Roof Of Stock Exchange In Blizzard Until Rabid Dogs And Monkey Attack"... Spa retreats are for pussies and cowards.
*did anyone else get the insurance salesman/Tom Cruise vibe coming from McCain at tonight's Town Hall debate? or was that just me?
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