I was super excited to see Lucinda Williams for very first time on the Little Honey tour. I missed her last time she was in NYC and wasn't gonna let that happen again. Gabe and I met up for a slice of pizza before heading over to the WaMu theater (first time I've been there... I think- weird vibe.) and I got to hear his "worst date EVER" story. Lemme tellya, it was a doozie featuring a duck pond, flip flops, the Connecticut Turnpike, and a nip-slip. If he ever posts the story on his blog I'll be sure to post a link.
Regardless. Lucinda Williams. The woman has been queen of alt-country since before "alt-country" was a buzz-word... Back when alt-country was just "rock 'n roll". She was absolutely fucking brilliant. We were all the way back in the nosebleeds but still loved every second of it. Inspirational. This show made me want to take my guitar out, put on a fresh set of strings, and rock the fuck out. Also my cowboy boots. I wonder if they still fit?
What surprised me most was the crowd. Everyone was sitting for the entire show, at no time did I see anyone get up to git down. Also, I expected to smell at least some weed. Nothing? Jesus, you tri-state urban country folk are fucking lame. I haven't seen that many high-waisted tapered acid washed jeans since... ever. EVER*. Startling indeed.
Lucinda Williams at the WaMu Theater: 9.5 HUZZAHS! Girl, rock on with your rock self! Venue was a little too uptight for me but I ain't holding that against her. Marty saw her at the Egg in Albany later on in the week-- from the front/center. Marty's an asshole.
Was too far away to take pics, but here's a sample of her work.
*I have never been to the Texas State Fair
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